Get Involved/Make an Impact
God calls to use our time, talents, and treasures. He invites us to be a part of His kingdom ministry. At St. Elizabeth's we have many opportunities to be involved in various areas of ministry. There is a place for you in His Kingdom ministry... Come be a part of one of these ministries.
Current Ministries
Altar Guild
Cursillo Community
ECW(Episcopal Church Women)
Daughters of the King
Youth Group
Men's Fellowship
Home and Small Groups
Office Angels
LEM (Lay Eucharistic Minister)
LEV (Lay Eucharistic Visitor)
Lay Reader (Old and New Testament and Psalm)
Ushers and Greeter
Music and Choir
Audio Visual
Christian Education
(Adult, Children Sunday School and Youth)
Buildings and Grounds
Be part of a family with a purpose
We know you want to be part of a family that actually reaches and serves their community. Check out St. Elizabeth's family and all the exciting ways we serve Sebastian.